Adding value to agricultural wastes towards biomass and renewable energy technology


Course: Adding value to agricultural wastes towards biomass and renewable energy technology

Responsible agency : Khon Kaen University

Duration of training : 1 day

Expected benefits.

  1. Participants establish knowledge, understanding, and experiences in post-harvesting management of agricultural waste towards biomass and alternative energy technology.
  2. Participants can apply the knowledge from the training to elevate the production of fuel from agricultural waste at the household level, community level, and commercial level in the future.
  3. Participants can exchange opinions with researchers from various agencies.
  4. Creation of a network of cooperation in agricultural waste management.

Training topics

A talk by a lecturer:
  • From burning to generating income
  • Charcoal and soil improvement
Hands-on training:
  • Production of pellet fuel from biomass
  • Oil and charcoal production from agricultural waste.