Implementation of coating agent and retail packaging for perishable fruit (durian)


Course: Implementation of coating agent and retail packaging for perishable fruit (durian)

Responsible agency : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Duration of training : 1 day

Expected benefits.

  1. Participants acquire an understanding of the types of coatings, the instructions, as well as the benefits that can be utilized to durian fruits and agricultural products.
  2. Participants acquire an understanding of the benefits and the functions of retail packaging for durian fruits.
  3. Participants exchange opinions with the researchers who conduct the workshop.
  4. Participants can apply the knowledge to their existing businesses

Training topics

A talk by a lecturer:
  • Benefits of coatings: How can it be used for durian fruits?
  • Selecting retail packaging that can be used for durians.
Hands-on training:
  • Preparation of agricultural coatings: How to prepare and how to use them?